OAO and AdMonsters: The Allure of Audience Extension

When I last spoke with Craig Leshen, President of OAO, he was helping explain that programmatic isn’t automatic – there’s still a lot of manual work that goes into these new systems. While they have helped to simplify certain functions, in many ways these systems have added to the complexity of the ad operations role by creating additional tasks and knowledge sets required to do the job.

Craig and I recently caught up and we decided to explore the flip side of this equation –

Rob Beeler: What is an example of something that has become easier for ad operations?

Craig Leshen: The process of implementing audience extension campaigns has become much more streamlined over the years and is a terrific way to target ads to users. It’s a type of targeting that has always had enormous potential but continues to be drastically under-utilized.

Audience extension allows publishers to deploy targeted advertising campaigns to their users anywhere online by identifying them as users of their content. Another way of saying this would be that publishers can sell more inventory to advertisers, targeted to their users, without having to create additional advertising space on their own online properties.

You can read the full article here:  https://www.admonsters.com/blog/allure-audience-extension-interview-craig-leshen-oao

You can also learn more about Audience Extension here:  http://adops.com/audience-extension/